A motion is an application for relief other than by a pleading. (Sec. 1, Rule 15, 2019 Rules of Civil Procedure)
Motion for Approval of Compromise Agreement
Motion for Execution of Judgment
Motion for Execution in Small Claims Cases
Motion for Extension of Time to File Comment
Motion for Inhibition Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings Sample
Motion for New Trial (Format)
Motion for Permanent Dismissal
Motion for Preliminary Investigation with Motion to DeferArraignment and to Suspend Proceedings Motion for Production of Documents
Motion for Reconsideration to Set Aside Order of Default and to Admit Answer
Motion for Release on Recognizance
Motion for Re-Raffle
Motion to Dismiss (Format)
Motion to Intervene
Motion to Order the Sheriff to Make a Return
Motion to Plead as Indigent
Motion to Quash (Format)
Motion to Reduce Bail
Motion to Release Cash Bail Bond
Motion to Set Case for Arraignment
Motion to Set Case for Pre-Trial
Motion to Set Case for Status Conference Sample
Motion to Lift Bench Warrant
Motion to Lift Warrant of Arrest